Sportster WiFi Retromodem

A WiFi replacement for your external USRobotics Sportster modem

What is it?

Introducing the Sportster WiFi Retromodem, an innovative solution that seamlessly replaces the PCB in your existing external USRobotics Sportster modem. With our latest Version, experience a nostalgic journey with added simulated audio featuring dial tone, DTMF dialed digits, ringing and the 1200 baud connect cadence. The Sportster Retromodem is based on the ZiModem V4.0 sources, found on Github. It supports baud rates up to 115,200.

Why did you make it?

The Sportster WiFi Retromodem provides a non-destructive way to allow older serial based computers to connect to a BBS on the internet via telnet and SSH. Includes an external 5V 1A power supply, not shown.

What makes it special?

Our mission is to merge the charm of retro computing with the reliability of modern WiFi connectivity. The added sounds make the experience all the more compelling. We’ve taken care to ensure compatibly, ease of installation, and an enhanced user experience. Join us in bringing the past and present together with the Sportster WiFi Retromodem.

The price is $89 +$6 shipping +$3 PayPal fee +CA tax if applicable.

To order, send an email to


Remove the four screws on the bottom of the USRobotics Sportster modem. Place the modem on a flat surface and remove the top cover. Lift out the original printed circuit board and set it aside. It should lift out easily. Place the Sportster WiFi Retromodem in the now empty case. It should fit snugly. Reinstall the top cover, flip the unit over and install the four screws.

Attach the included +5 Volt AC adapter to the Sportster WiFi Retromodem. Do not use the original USRobotics AC adapter as it will either not fit or it could damage the Retromodem. Connect the Retromodem to your computer using a 25 pin serial cable (not included). Run your favorite communication program and set the serial port to: 9600 baud, 1-stop bit, no parity, and no flow control. Plug in the 5V AC adapter and turn on the modem. After a few seconds, the Retromodem will send a startup message to your terminal program and say, “READY.”

To configure the WiFi Retromodem, type AT+CONFIG and select “WIFI” to connect the Retromodem to your network. After you have connected the Retromodem to your WiFi network, try connecting to a BBS by typing ATDT””

Additional modem commands can be found in the README.PDF file located below.